Fruit Syrup

This isn't the recipe for the cheesecake, just the berry syrup on it.
Fruit Syrup
1 cup crushed or very finely diced fruit
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
2-3 Tb. cornstarch
2 tsp. lemon juice, optional

Stir together sugar and cornstarch. Add water to the mixture, stirring until all the lumps are gone. Add fruit and optional lemon juice, and bring to a boil. Cook until syrup thickens slightly. Serve hot or cold. This works for peaches, apples, berries, mango, etc. (You just have to like the taste of the cooked fruit.) The lemon juice helps to maintain the color of the fruit.

Note: This syrup was made with frozen raspberries. 

This is wonderful made so many different ways--here is a previously posted version of this Fruit Syrup recipe.


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